Human mirror

That day I only had a couple of rats and a broken mirror to get out of mind, I've seen him far, running away and loosing his own thoughts. That time I felt a person quite different, all was dilapidated.

"Split personality?"
"That's a bit simplistic. But yes. He seemed to be so gentle and... He was very convincing,' I said.
''Convincing how?"
"He seemed geuinely kind, interested in others. Sensitive, even."
"And you didn't look into his background?"
"I had no reason to believe he was anything other than the image he chose to project"
He gazed into the night, a dark man with dark thoughts. "What image do I project?"

What image do we project?


  1. prii santos . said...
    eu acho que o reflexo de nós está longe de estar no espelho ... está sim, nas consequencias de nossos atos, nas pessoas que temos a nossa volta, no nosso humor . enfim, no nosso merecimento . mesmo que não imediato, o que temos e somos é o reflexo de tudo o que fomos .
    o que queremos ver ?
    Guilherme said...
    The big deal is "what do we want to project?" and "what image do we want to see in other people?".
    Just think about it!

    People usually show an image that they want to, but hardly ever, they show the true one. You cannot agree, but this is a matter of fact.
    Why we hide ourselves?
    Do we really hide it well?

    In the other hand, what do we really see about people's images? Is it true?
    Unfortunatelly, we always see only what we want to. That's sad, because we should try to see the real person, intead.

    Your image?
    I don't know. At first, I thought you were empty-headed, even you looking like a nice person too.
    By the time, we've known, I really see a diferent person now. I cannot tell about it, because we still knowing each other. You are really cool, and I'd like to know you more. I'm always interested in people.

    And what image do I project??

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