Call me insane

W e are everything, we are nothing.
E lapse, this is eloquent.

A rithmetic, armaments to the 5th worldwide war, fight of thoughts.
R ight people, right place, right decision. Is this exist? Or it's just by chance?
E xclude, easily done.

A ppeaseing spirits.
L ockup. Our insanity is our own private prision.
L istless.

I f I shout out loud? and would you call me what?
N one of this is real

S how me your belief, reason, fingers. Call me anything.
A nd you could get cold feet if I stare you, or maybe just jump into the unknown, my lover.
N one of us could change the image that we've been facing.
E xtenuating, expulsion, explosion. Call me everything, call me nothing, call me insane.


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